Well Hello There

If you're looking for something to do this week, you're only a click away from seeing what's happening. NorthernSpin.com can fill in the blanks for folks who love Michigan and want their inside connection to Northern & Western Michigan events. Simple click here on the Event Calendar to see what's happening in your area or scroll down to see what lurks below. Thank you for checking us out and allowing NorthernSpin.com to be your source for finding all the happenings in Michigan. Be sure to put in your email so that we can keep ya updated, not in an annoying way, but through a pleasant email once in a while. Peace out my friends! - Brian Sweebe, Editor.

Bret Michaels Returns to Streeter's Ground Zero

Once the front man for Poison, Bret has continued on to have a very successful solo career.  But I'm sure you knew that.  But did you know that he will be performing all your favorites this WEDNESDAY, Nov. 23 @ Ground Zero. Inside Streeter's Entertainment Center, Traverse City, MI.

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