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Midland Will Be Filled With Hot Air This Weekend

image from gogreatlakesbay.blogspot.com
Midland - The RE/MAX of Midland Balloon Festival is celebrating their 23nd Anniversary September 12-15, 2013 at the Midland County Fairgrounds, which kicks off the United Way campaign in Midland. The launch is usually between 8:00-8:30 and is a beautiful sight to see on your way to work, school or just enjoying the day. Later that morning, the pilots will visit the area elementary schools and talk about their experiences and give them a little education on hot air ballooning.
The public is invited to Midland County Fairgrounds for all events at no charge other than a canned food item for the Food Pantry of Midland County. RE/MAX of Midland is probably the only big hot-air balloon show in Michigan that does not charge admission. This is just a reminder that THERE ARE NO RIDES GIVEN TO THE PUBLIC. The pilots take up only the sponsors and organizations that help support his event.
The best way to view this event is to come to the Midland County Fairgrounds. For safety reasons we ask that you do not follow the balloons by car or do not cross the ropes on the fairgrounds unless authorized. People like to try and get a closer look, but while the balloons are inflating and deflating this could be very dangerous.
If you would like to see what it’s like to be a crew member, you can call Casey Helmreich at 989-923-4321 and you can volunteer for a pilot that is in need for crew members. Crew members are expected to help throughout the weekend and be prepared by bringing work gloves and being in good physical health and able to lift. This is not an easy task, but very enjoying.
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday at approximately 7:30 a.m.
Friday and Saturday evening at approximately 6:00 p.m.
Skydivers are schedule at approximately 7:00 p.m. on Saturday evening
AFTER GLOWS Scheduled for Friday and Saturday evening at DUSK
(All scheduled events are Weather Permitting)
(information obtained from www.MidlandIsHome.com)

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