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If you're looking for something to do this week, you're only a click away from seeing what's happening. NorthernSpin.com can fill in the blanks for folks who love Michigan and want their inside connection to Northern & Western Michigan events. Simple click here on the Event Calendar to see what's happening in your area or scroll down to see what lurks below. Thank you for checking us out and allowing NorthernSpin.com to be your source for finding all the happenings in Michigan. Be sure to put in your email so that we can keep ya updated, not in an annoying way, but through a pleasant email once in a while. Peace out my friends! - Brian Sweebe, Editor.

Kastanza is Making Big Waves in Grand Rapids

How do you blend the sounds of Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stevie Ray Vaughn and The Darkness, then add some Soul?  Well you ask Ben, Andy & Kevin aka Kastanza to whip something out.  I first saw these monsters of innovation at Billy's Lounge in Grand Rapids, MI.  Amazed by not only the eclectic sounds but the incredible talents that spewed from their instruments.  These cats make it look easy as they exploit their passion for their favorites songs as well as their own original songs performed on stage.
Watch out for these guys, because you WILL be hearing more from them in the days to come. ****1/2

More Info:  https://www.facebook.com/Kastanzajamz

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